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Educational Institutions

Educational institutions must have mechanisms to assure students, staff and faculty, and the community that their institutions are safe and operating properly.


IntegrAssure offers confidential and effective solutions to help ensure safety and enhance an institution’s integrity.  

Integrity in People 

Vendor Integrity Investigations

Assuring the integrity of those who will be providing the educational institutions with products or services. 

Campus Sexual Assault

Given the considerable changes in federal legislation and the pressing requirements that colleges and universities develop policies and practices that meet the needs of victims and of those accused of sexual assault, there is a critical need to evaluate these procedures and processes to ensure they are procedurally just and are trauma-informed to best meet the needs of the survivors.  We have extensive experience in investigating and prosecuting sexual assault cases and can identify deficiencies in investigations and investigative protocols to improve campuses’ responses to survivors and making campuses safer.  

Campus Public Safety Services

Integrity in Process

Campuses are unique environments for law enforcement and public safety.  We work with an institution to ensure that its public safety program meets applicable standards and is best suited to its unique mission.

Independent Investigations

Integrity in Product

We will assist in conducting an investigation designed to determine whether a specific policy and/or applicable law,  has been violated.

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